Day 7 – Boot Camp Day 2
I feel a lot more rested today. Managed some breakfast and today there is coffee! Late morning there is also the ‘food truck’ called Smokin’ Butts, which turns out not to have major vegetarian options. The side dishes. On nachos.
As far as the session go there were a couple of really good sessions on marketing, one with email and the other from my music marketing main man, Rick Barker. I wasn’t going to attend his session as I guessed I would have heard most of it before. I went to say ‘hi’ before his session and persuaded myself to stay … and it was the right thing. Rick on Zoom or training video is a very different phenomenon in real life. He is a major reason for me being here along with my other music tutors and mentors. Managed to get a picture though our photographer cut the top of my head off!
Had a song sharing session tonight and ‘What Makes You Happy’ got a pretty warm reception. Group leader Logan was very complimentary about the chorus melody, though he said if I toned down the verse melody so it wasn’t so strong that might help boost the impact of the chorus melody even more! Interesting tactic … He liked the vocal slide which was something I worked on specifically with my vocal coach (Ben) so that was gratifying too. Looking maybe to do some networking tonight but not looking promising at the moment. Picture with Rick to follow.
(Or rather not … it seems my phone deleted the photo or the guy who took it didn’t save it or something. So next year …. Meantime I hope that you will forgive stealing a picture of him from social media, after all I am giving him a big warm shout out. SHOUT! After all it is just like a share or a retweet and is fully credited. It also fits in with the 2022 theme of my world. Music and therapy both.