Another whirling dervish of workshop activity and we’re done. Today’s points of interest include another couple of belters from the FCM Marketing departments. Logan on YouTube Monetization and channels followed by Simone on 21 days of Instagram promotion for a release. Both massively useful, practical and with additional resources.
I did a video interview for FCM for a Boot Camp testimonial. Nice performance opportunity. Our coaching group closed out with a round robin of target settings. There was a bit of networking after the event. A plan for a bunch of about 50 to go out to dinner was nixed by the Italian restaurant who said they didn’t want us.
A smaller breakaway group went to the Commodore Grill where they have a nightly writer’s round and open mic. There was competition in Olly who sounded and looked like a Hoxton Hipster. A rival Brit stealing my accent magic advantage.
There were some impressive performers and songs though overall I didn’t feel intimidated by the quality of songs, standard of musicianship nor the vocals. I felt if I got my performance slick I would hold my own. 4 musicians at a time, 3 songs, all change. About an hour on stage at most, some harmonies and accompaniment. My companions Jay’son, Kip and James were friendly though not super chatty. The last listening to the music, the first two updating their social media and contacts from the event. Back in the room soon after ten. Rock´n´roll.
Looking forward to a bit of a lie in, a later breakfast and a leisurely day seeing what arises. A plan for my remaining 3 full days is needed and how to get to the airport. And there will need to be some paid work if I am to get a taxi home from Valencia airport.